Use animate on show


How to use the library


  • The library uses React Spring if you don't know how to use it refer to their docs

  • The library uses the Intersection Observer to get when the element is showing on screen, if you want/need IE 11 support, you will need a polyfill


npm install --save @cjenaro/useanimateonshow
yarn add @cjenaro/useanimateonshow


The useAnimateOnShow function takes in from and to objects that are just as the react spring useSpring argument, you can configure duration and spring config here too.

import useAnimateOnShow from '@cjenaro/useanimateonshow'

const Count: FunctionComponent = () => {
    const [Wrapper, ref, props] = useAnimateOnShow({ x: 0 }, { x: 100 })
    return (
        <Wrapper visible={ref}>
          {props.x.interpolate((x) => x.toFixed(2))}

Lastly, there is a third argument with some optional configuration

{ infinite: true, onShow: (showing: boolean) => console.log(showing) }

Infinite means that once the element leaves the screen it will animate out and then back in when it is shown again, there is also an optional onShow function that receives wether the element is showing or not.